
2021.8.27 personnelinformation

ポスドク研究員 (時間軸天文学) の公募(締め切り 2021/09/30 正午)

国立天文台科学研究部ではポスドク研究員 (時間軸天文学) 1名を募集しています。


締め切りは2021年9月30日 正午、任期は3年です。



ご不明な点・質問がありましたら、冨永(nozomu.tominaga ATM nao.ac.jp)まで遠慮なくご連絡ください。

(ATM を@へ変更してください。)


  • Project Research Staff on Annual Salary System (Division of Science) –
  1. Job Title: Project Research Staff (Postdoctoral Fellow), one position
  2. Division and Location: Division of Science, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
    (NAOJ), Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8588, Japan
  3. Area of Expertise: astronomy and/or related fields
  4. Job Description:
    The Division of Science aims to develop new fields of growth in natural sciences for further
    advancement of astronomy by leveraging strategies. We invite applications for a project research
    staff (postdoc) who will conduct researches in time-domain astronomy or related topics, mainly
    with Prof. Nozomu Tominaga, Dr. Tomoya Takiwaki, Dr. Takashi Moriya, and Dr. Maria Giovanna
    Dainotti at Division of Science. A successful candidate is expected to work on transient surveys
    and follow-ups with Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC), analysis of data obtained with
    Subaru/HSC, and understanding transients in cooperation with multi-wavelength and multimessenger observations and theoretical studies.
  5. Term of Appointment:
    (1) The successful candidate is expected to start the job as early as possible after the job offer
    has been accepted. The start date is negotiable. Please contact us about the start date if you have
    any inquiries.
    (2) The term of employment will be three years after the appointment starts, including the
    probation period of six months. Annual performance review will be conducted. If the successful
    candidate had been employed as a National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS) employee after
    April 1, 2013, the term will be set so that the total accumulated period of employment does not
    exceed ten years. Any researcher who has been employed as a NAOJ Project Research Fellow for
    a total of five or more years is not eligible to apply for this position.
  6. Minimum Educational Requirement:
    The applicant must have a PhD degree or is expected to have it by the start date.
  7. Closing Date for Application: September 30 (Thu), 2021 12:00(noon) (Japan Standard Time)
  8. Required Application Materials: (*To be prepared in English)
    (1) Curriculum vitae,
    (2) List of publications (Separate refereed and non-refereed papers and provide individual
    citation counts from ADS),
    (3) Summary of past research activities,
    (4) Outline of research plans,
    (5) Anticipated start date of the job appointment,
    (6) Two reference letters.
    Please ask your references to upload their letters directly using the URL indicated in 10. before
    the application deadline. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that the letters are submitted
    before the application deadline.
  9. Selection Process: Qualified candidates who will proceed into the final selection may be
    interviewed by the selection committee either via the internet or in person. The expense for the
    interview will not be covered by NAOJ.
  10. How to Submit an Application:
    Applicants are required to apply via the NAOJ Nextcloud on the web.
    (1) Please access the following URL for registration:
    (2) After you complete registration, you will receive an email showing the URLs for (a) uploading
    your application documents, and (b) for your reference letters.
    (3) Please ask your references to upload their letters via the URL (2)(b).
    (4) Please upload the application documents (from 8. (1) through 8. (5) above) via the URL (2)(a).
    These files must be in PDF format (max 50MB each, 100MB in total, at most 10 files).
  11. Contacts: If you have any question related to the job description, contact;
    Prof. Nozomu Tominaga, Division of Science, NAOJ
    E-mail: nozomu.tominaga_AT_nao.ac.jp (replace AT with @)
    If you have any question related to the other items, contact;
    E-mail address: apply-sci-prs20210930_AT_nao.ac.jp (replace AT with @)
    Subject of e-mail: “Question on Project Research Staff of Division of Science, NAOJ”
  12. Remarks
    ・The project research staff will be employed under an annual salary system, and will receive a
    salary proportionate to the pay grades of a national university assistant professor or NAOJ
    Project Research Fellow(paid monthly in 12 equal payments). Commuting expenses (up to
    55,000 JPY per month) will be provided. Bonus and retirement allowances are not provided.
    ・Eligible for enrollment in social insurance.
    ・Travel and relocation costs to NAOJ will be covered, subject to the travel regulations of NINS
    (details must be arranged with the administration office).
    ・Project research staffs are eligible to apply for the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    ・Policy for Equal Employment Opportunity: Abiding by the Equal Employment Opportunity
    Act for Men and Women, NAOJ is committed to the realization of a society with gender equality.
    If two candidates are deemed equal in their performance evaluation, NAOJ will take positive
    action to employ women. If you have taken a leave(s) such as for maternity, childcare, and/or
    family care, please indicate it in your curriculum vitae. We will consider it when assessing your
    performance. For details, see
    ・Smoking is prohibited on the premises excluding designated outdoor smoking areas.
    ・Information submitted in your application documents will not be used for any purpose other
    than the selection process and for contacting you with necessary notices in connection with the
    selection. Once the selection process is complete, we will securely dispose of all application
    documents and personal information, except for those submitted by the successful candidate.
  13. Name of recruiter
    Inter-University Research Institute Corporation, National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS),
    National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ)