Yuta Yamazaki (left) and Hideaki Takemura (right) got prizes at 49th Summer School on Astronomy and Astrophysics that was held from July 30 to August 2 , in Toyohashi. Mr. Yamazaki is a second-year student in the master course at the University of Tokyo. He won the Oral Award. Mr. Takemura is a second-year student in the master course at SOKENDAI. He won the second prize of the Oral Award in his session.
Summer School on Astronomy and Astrophysics takes place annually and many young Japanese astronomers and astrophysicists present their research. In this year, over 300 scientists were gathering and discussed many topics.
Hideaki Takemura presented his study about ‘Core Mass Function in Orion A: Inside and Outside the Integral-shaped Filament’ in the Stars and Planets Formation Session.
Yuta Yamazaki presented his study about ‘Theoretical Calculation for Time-Evolution of Heavy Elements Abundance’ in the Galaxies and Clusters Session.
(August, 2019)
・Oral Awards at 49th Summer School on Astronomy and Astrophysics