Weak lensing clusters from HSC-SSP s16a data (Hamana,
Shirasaki, and Yen-Ting, 2020)
Related paper: "An
empirical method for mitigating an excess up-scattering mass bias on
the weak lensing mass estimates for shear-selected cluster samples",
Takashi Hamana (2022)
Updated cluster masses with
correction for the excess up-scattering mass bias from Table 1 of
Hamana 2022
A preprint with full resolution figures
HWL16a peak catalog
hscmap format csv file
[c200c, M200c, M500c] of
HWL16a secure clusters from Table 3 of Hamana, Shirasaki, and Yen-Ting, 2020
A Fortran program to
generate weak lensing mass maps from shear data
Public data products
Some details of individual peaks:
XMM field [ID=1-23]
GAMA09H field [ID=24-41]
WIDE12H field [ID=42-56]
GAMA15H field [ID=57-98]
HECTOMAP field [ID=99-103]
VVDS field [ID=104-124]
In the above links, plots shown are:
Top: 10 arcmin-side riz composite image, the yellow contour shows
the weak lensing SN (the contour lines start from SN=2 with the
interval of 1), and the cyan/magenta/red plus marks show the position
of CAMIRA/NED/XXL clusters with label
(CAMIRA-ID/redshift/richness)/(cluster-name from
Bottom-left: Azimuthally averaged galaxy number density as a function of the angular separation from the SN peak position. Different colors show different z_min (black/red/gree/blue/cyan/magenta for z_min=0/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5/0.6).
Bottom-right: Red line shows the weak lensing peak SN as a function of z_min.
Lists of matched known clusters:
Clusters from CAMIRA
(version s16a_wide_smnew), XXL
365 cluster catalogue)
and NED matched within the angular separation of 5 arcmin from weak lensing SN peak positions are summarized in tables.
Contact: Takashi Hamana

Last update: 2022/10/18
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