
Effect of stellar wind on SS433’s jet propagation

Speaker: Miho Tan


SS433 is an X-ray binary system consisting of a star and a compact star, and the compact star is known to emit spiral binaries. The jets propagate more than 100 pc; in Ohmura et al. (2021) and other groups, uniform jets injected from 1 pc propagated 100 pc. But one of the important questions is how to travel to 1pc from the ejection region. Therefore, in this study, we evaluate the propagation of the jet within 1pc including the effect of stellar winds. Since the orbital period of the binary is shorter than the jet propagation timescale, we assume the propagation area becomes turbulence formed by the stellar wind. We put turbulent velocity fields of 0.1% and 0.01% of the jet velocity in the ambient around the jet to see the effect of the turbulence on the jet propagation.