
Celebrating 15 years of Gamma-Ray Burst observations with Fermi

Speaker: Elisabetta Bissaldi

Abstract :

Gamma-Ray Bursts represent the most powerful explosions in the Universe.
Their emission, which covers the entire electromagnetic spectrum from
radio up to TeV energies, has been studied since the 1970s by many
ground and space-based observatories.
The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has been a major player in the field
of GRB studies during the last 15 years, providing unique insights into
their nature. With thousands of GRBs detected by the Gamma-ray Burst
Monitor (GBM) and hundreds by the Large Area Telescope (LAT), we have
learned the broad high-energy properties of the populations of these
events and obtained unique insights into their emission mechanisms and
physical characteristics.
In this talk, I will review the highlights of GRB science from low (keV)
to high (GeV) energies, as well as the most recent observations of very
high energy (TeV) emission, with particular emphasis on the GRB 221009A
event, revealed in October 2022, which holds the brightness record among
all GRBs observed by the Fermi telescope.