Colloquium of Theoretical Astronomy Division
* 惑星セミナー2020 [#zbb5ecca]
// セミナー発表順番
** Schedule & History [#vfafd1d8]
|[[前期 第1回 4/9 15:00->#planet0409]]|All members| Self-...
|[[前期 第2回 4/16 14:00->#planet0409]]|Haruka Hoshino, H...
|[[前期 第3回 4/23 14:00->#planet0409]]|Yuki Yoshida, Eii...
|[[前期 第4回 5/14 14:00->#planet0409]]|Sota Arakawa| The...
|[[前期 第5回 5/28 14:00->#planet0528]]|Takuya Takarada (...
|[[前期 第6回 6/4 16:00->#planet0606]]|Beibei Liu (Lund U...
|[[前期 第7回 7/9 14:00->#planet0606]]|Yuka Fujii|Detecti...
|[[前期 第8回 7/21 14:00->#planet0606]]|Masato Ishizuka (...
|[[後期 第1回 10/16 14:00->#planet1016]]|Makiko Ban|Free-...
|[[後期 第2回 10/30 14:30->#planet1030]]|Yuki Tanaka (Toh...
|[[後期 第3回 11/20 14:00->#planet1031]]|Shota Notsu (RIK...
|[[後期 第4回 11/27 14:00->#planet1127]]|Kazuaki A. Homma...
|[[後期 第5回 12/17 15:00->#planet1127]]|Naho Fujita (Kyo...
|[[後期 第6回 1/12 14:00->#planet0112]]| Jerome de Leon (...
|[[後期 第7回 1/22 14:00->#planet0122]]|Yuki Yoshida |銀...
|[[後期 第8回 2/26 14:00->#planet0226]]|Haruka Sakuraba (...
|[[後期 第9回 3/5 14:00->#planet0305]]|Ayano Nakajima (To...
|[[後期 第10回 3/26 14:00->#planet0326]]|Masataka Aizawa ...
//荻原:駒木さん(東大), Sakurabaさん(東工大), Liu(Lund)
//荒川:本間和明さん (D1), 長谷川幸彦さん (東大駒場)
//古家:Gianni Cataldi(東大天文),野津翔太さん(理研)
//:&aname(planet1107){5/21}; 名前 タイトル|
//:&aname(planet0418){4/18}; Carina Heinreichsberger, Ter...
//When looking at Exoplanet Archives the class of a plane...
:&aname(planet0604){6/4}; Beibei Liu, Pebble-driven plane...
We conduct a pebble-driven planet population synthesis st...
:&aname(planet1016){10/16}; Makiko Ban, Free-floating pla...
The free-floating planet (FFP) is a unique type of exopla...
:&aname(planet1030){10/30}; Yuki Tanaka, Gap formation by...
A giant planet embedded in a protoplanetary disk creates ...
Recently, numerical simulations of the disk-planet intera...
We performed a set of hydrodynamic simulation of disk-pla...
:&aname(planet1031){11/20}; Shota Notsu, The composition ...
The radial-dependent positions of snowlines of abundant o...
carbon-bearing molecules in protoplanetary discs will res...
radial variations in the C/O ratios in the gas and ice.
This variation is proposed as a tracer of the formation l...
However, disc chemistry can affect the C/O ratios in the ...
erasing the chemical fingerprint of snowlines in gas-gian...
We calculate the molecular composition of hot Jupiter atm...
abundances extracted from a chemical kinetics model of a ...
have varied the initial abundances and ionization rates. ...
wider diversity of possible atmospheres than those predic...
ratios from snowlines only. As found in previous work, as...
the solar value, the mixing ratio of CH4 increases in the...
atmosphere, and those of C2H2 and HCN increase mainly in ...
atmosphere. The mixing ratio of H2O correspondingly decre...
that hot Jupiters with C/O>1 can only form between the CO...
snowlines. Moreover, they can only form in a disc which h...
interstellar abundances, and where negligible chemistry h...
carbon-rich planets are likely rare, unless efficient tra...
hydrocarbon-rich ices via pebble drift to within the CH4 ...
common phenomenon. We predict combinations of C/O ratios ...
abundances that can constrain gas-giant planet formation ...
snowline positions, and that can provide insight into the...
This seminar talk is mainly based on our paper which was ...
:&aname(planet1127){11/27}; Kazuaki A. Homma, Vertical gr...
Refractory organic matter found in the solar-system would...
We study how much organic-matter can be formed on dust pa...
:&aname(planet1107){12/17}; 藤田菜穂 短周期super-Earthの...
:&aname(planet0112){1/12}; Jerome de Leon, Discovery and ...
The Kepler, K2, and TESS missions have brought many excit...
:&aname(planet0226){2/26}; Haruka Sakuraba, Element parti...
Due to limited information, the climate of early Venus ha...
:&aname(planet0305){3/5}; Ayano Nakajima, Saturn’s rings...
Cassini space craft gave us the detailed chemical composi...
In this study, we focus on the rings formation process th...
and disrupted into many small particles due to tide. They...
The orbits of debris particles evolve into nearly circula...
forming the rings inside the Roche limit and the satellit...
In the previous model, rings formation and satellites for...
We also check the collisional velocity during the whole r...
As a result, the icy materials (volatiles) can be retaine...
the accreted satellites retain the primitive icy material...
during the collisional orbital evolution. Our new model m...
:&aname(planet0326){3/26}; Masataka Aizawa, Application ...
Inverse problems, in which we estimate some parameters fr...
* 惑星セミナー2020 [#zbb5ecca]
// セミナー発表順番
** Schedule & History [#vfafd1d8]
|[[前期 第1回 4/9 15:00->#planet0409]]|All members| Self-...
|[[前期 第2回 4/16 14:00->#planet0409]]|Haruka Hoshino, H...
|[[前期 第3回 4/23 14:00->#planet0409]]|Yuki Yoshida, Eii...
|[[前期 第4回 5/14 14:00->#planet0409]]|Sota Arakawa| The...
|[[前期 第5回 5/28 14:00->#planet0528]]|Takuya Takarada (...
|[[前期 第6回 6/4 16:00->#planet0606]]|Beibei Liu (Lund U...
|[[前期 第7回 7/9 14:00->#planet0606]]|Yuka Fujii|Detecti...
|[[前期 第8回 7/21 14:00->#planet0606]]|Masato Ishizuka (...
|[[後期 第1回 10/16 14:00->#planet1016]]|Makiko Ban|Free-...
|[[後期 第2回 10/30 14:30->#planet1030]]|Yuki Tanaka (Toh...
|[[後期 第3回 11/20 14:00->#planet1031]]|Shota Notsu (RIK...
|[[後期 第4回 11/27 14:00->#planet1127]]|Kazuaki A. Homma...
|[[後期 第5回 12/17 15:00->#planet1127]]|Naho Fujita (Kyo...
|[[後期 第6回 1/12 14:00->#planet0112]]| Jerome de Leon (...
|[[後期 第7回 1/22 14:00->#planet0122]]|Yuki Yoshida |銀...
|[[後期 第8回 2/26 14:00->#planet0226]]|Haruka Sakuraba (...
|[[後期 第9回 3/5 14:00->#planet0305]]|Ayano Nakajima (To...
|[[後期 第10回 3/26 14:00->#planet0326]]|Masataka Aizawa ...
//荻原:駒木さん(東大), Sakurabaさん(東工大), Liu(Lund)
//荒川:本間和明さん (D1), 長谷川幸彦さん (東大駒場)
//古家:Gianni Cataldi(東大天文),野津翔太さん(理研)
//:&aname(planet1107){5/21}; 名前 タイトル|
//:&aname(planet0418){4/18}; Carina Heinreichsberger, Ter...
//When looking at Exoplanet Archives the class of a plane...
:&aname(planet0604){6/4}; Beibei Liu, Pebble-driven plane...
We conduct a pebble-driven planet population synthesis st...
:&aname(planet1016){10/16}; Makiko Ban, Free-floating pla...
The free-floating planet (FFP) is a unique type of exopla...
:&aname(planet1030){10/30}; Yuki Tanaka, Gap formation by...
A giant planet embedded in a protoplanetary disk creates ...
Recently, numerical simulations of the disk-planet intera...
We performed a set of hydrodynamic simulation of disk-pla...
:&aname(planet1031){11/20}; Shota Notsu, The composition ...
The radial-dependent positions of snowlines of abundant o...
carbon-bearing molecules in protoplanetary discs will res...
radial variations in the C/O ratios in the gas and ice.
This variation is proposed as a tracer of the formation l...
However, disc chemistry can affect the C/O ratios in the ...
erasing the chemical fingerprint of snowlines in gas-gian...
We calculate the molecular composition of hot Jupiter atm...
abundances extracted from a chemical kinetics model of a ...
have varied the initial abundances and ionization rates. ...
wider diversity of possible atmospheres than those predic...
ratios from snowlines only. As found in previous work, as...
the solar value, the mixing ratio of CH4 increases in the...
atmosphere, and those of C2H2 and HCN increase mainly in ...
atmosphere. The mixing ratio of H2O correspondingly decre...
that hot Jupiters with C/O>1 can only form between the CO...
snowlines. Moreover, they can only form in a disc which h...
interstellar abundances, and where negligible chemistry h...
carbon-rich planets are likely rare, unless efficient tra...
hydrocarbon-rich ices via pebble drift to within the CH4 ...
common phenomenon. We predict combinations of C/O ratios ...
abundances that can constrain gas-giant planet formation ...
snowline positions, and that can provide insight into the...
This seminar talk is mainly based on our paper which was ...
:&aname(planet1127){11/27}; Kazuaki A. Homma, Vertical gr...
Refractory organic matter found in the solar-system would...
We study how much organic-matter can be formed on dust pa...
:&aname(planet1107){12/17}; 藤田菜穂 短周期super-Earthの...
:&aname(planet0112){1/12}; Jerome de Leon, Discovery and ...
The Kepler, K2, and TESS missions have brought many excit...
:&aname(planet0226){2/26}; Haruka Sakuraba, Element parti...
Due to limited information, the climate of early Venus ha...
:&aname(planet0305){3/5}; Ayano Nakajima, Saturn’s rings...
Cassini space craft gave us the detailed chemical composi...
In this study, we focus on the rings formation process th...
and disrupted into many small particles due to tide. They...
The orbits of debris particles evolve into nearly circula...
forming the rings inside the Roche limit and the satellit...
In the previous model, rings formation and satellites for...
We also check the collisional velocity during the whole r...
As a result, the icy materials (volatiles) can be retaine...
the accreted satellites retain the primitive icy material...
during the collisional orbital evolution. Our new model m...
:&aname(planet0326){3/26}; Masataka Aizawa, Application ...
Inverse problems, in which we estimate some parameters fr...