Colloquium of Theoretical Astronomy Division
* ÍýÏÀ¥³¥í¥¥¦¥à2014 [#web1f149]
** Schedule & History [#nc67ead7]
|[[4/16>#long0416]]|Steven Rieder (Kapteyn Astronomical I...
|[[4/23>#long0423]]|°æ¾å¹ä»Ö (ÍýÏÀÉô)|[[ʬ»Ò±À¾×Æͤˤè¤ë...
|[[5/7>#long0507]]|ÌîÂôµ®Ìé (ÍýÏÀÉô)|[[Ķ¿·À±Çúȯ»þ¤Ë¤ª¤±...
|[[5/14>#long0514]]|¾¾ËÜ ÐһΠ(CfCA)|[[Ãæ¿´À±¶á˵¥¹¡¼¥Ñ¡¼...
|[[5/21>#long0521]]|¸Åß· ½Ô (CfCA)|[[½ÅÎÏÊø²õ·¿Ä¶¿·À±Çúȯ...
|[[5/28>#long0528]]|ĹëÀî ¹¬É§ (CfCA)|[[¸¶»ÏÏÇÀ±·Ï±ßÈפË...
|[[6/4>#long0604]]|ÊÒ²¬ ¾Ï²í (ÍýÏÀÉô)|[[Planetesimal Form...
|[[6/11>#long0611]]|´Ý»³ ÃÒ¹¬ (ÆüËÜÂç³Ø)|[[¶¯¼§¾ì¸¶»ÏÃæÀ...
|[[6/18>#long0618]]|ÀîÅç Êþ¾° (CfCA)|[[µðÂç¥Ö¥é¥Ã¥¯¥Û¡¼¥ë...
|[[6/25>#long0625]]|¸¼ÅÄ ±Ñŵ (ELSI)|[[Collisions, Collis...
|[[7/2>#long0702]]|·´¡¡ÏÂÈÏ (KEK)|[[How to distinguish l...
|[[7/9>#long0709]]|¿¢ÅÄ ÌÌé (Univ. of Denver)|[[Herschel...
|[[7/16>#long0716]]|Ê¡Åç ÅлÖÉ× (NAOJ)|[[Analytical compu...
|[[7/23>#long0723]]|ºØÆ£ µ®Ç· (ELSI)|[[¿·¤·¤¤ SPH Ë¡¤ÎÄê...
|[[10/1>#long1001]]|ÁÄ븵 (ÍýÏÀÉô)|[[ÃæÀ»ÒÀ±´Ñ¬¤È¾õÂÖ...
|[[10/8>#long1008]]|ĹëÀî Ì÷¹É(ÍýÏÀÉô)|[[Planet formatio...
|[[10/15>#long1015]]|Turner, Edwin Lewis (Princeton Univ....
|[[10/22>#long1022]]|²ÃÆ£¹±É§ (CfCA)|[[¹â¥Þ¥Ã¥Ï¿ô¤Î½àÊ¿¹Ô...
|[[10/24>#long1024]]| Keiichi Kodaira (JSPS Bonn Liaison ...
|[[10/29>#long1029]]|ÇϾì½ß°ì (ELSI)|[[ ¥·¥ß¥å¥ì¡¼¥·¥ç¥ó...
|[[11/5>#long1105]] | Ralph Pudritz (McMaster)|[[ From Fi...
|[[11/13>#long1113]]|Kenneth C. Wong (ASIAA)|[[Strong Gra...
|[[11/19>#long1119]]| Ali Rahmati (Univ of Zurich)|[[Simu...
|[[11/26>#long1126]]| Ramon Brasser (ELSI) | [[Tilting Sa...
|[[12/03>#long1203]]|Nanase Harada(ASIAA) |[[Molecules in...
|[[12/12>#long1212]]| Felipe Alves (MPE) | [[Magnetic fie...
|[[12/15>#long1215]]| Josep Miquel Girart (CSIC-IEEC) | [...
|[[12/17>#long1217]]| À¸¶ðÂçÍÎ ¡ÊÅìÂç¡Ë| [[ÏÇÀ±·ÁÀ®¡§Ã»...
|[[1/7>#long0107]]| °Ëƣ͵µ® (Íý¸¦)| [[ ¹½Â¤¤ò»ý¤Ã¤¿ÁêÂÐ...
|[[1/14>#long0114]]| ĹÅç²í͵ ¡Êʸ¶µ¡Ë| [[ ¶ä²Ï·ÁÀ®ÌäÂê¤Ø...
|[[1/28>#long0128]]| Ä«ÈæÆàͺÂÀ¡ÊÀéÍÕ¡Ë| [[ ¥¸¥§¥Ã¥È¤ÈÀ±...
|[[2/4>#long0204]]| Ê¿µïͪ¡ÊÅìµþÂç/ÍýÏÀÉô¡Ë| [[ Origin of...
|[[3/13>#long0313a]]| ÉðÆ£¶³Ç·¡Ê¹©³Ø±¡¡Ë| [[ ¸¶»ÏÏÇÀ±·Ï...
|[[3/13>#long0313b]]| Man Hoi Lee ¡ÊThe University of Hon...
** Abstract [#ydde7726]
:&aname(long0416){4/16}; Steven Rieder(Kapteyn Astronomic...
In this seminar, I will discuss various simulations conce...
The first part concerns CosmoGrid, a high-resolution Lamb...
In the second part, I will discuss AMUSE, a framework tha...
:&aname(long0423){4/23}; °æ¾å¹ä»Ö(¹ñΩŷʸÂæÍýÏÀÉô) ʬ»Ò...
:&aname(long0423){5/7}; ÌîÂôµ®Ìé(¹ñΩŷʸÂæÍýÏÀÉô) Ķ¿·À±...
:&aname(long0514){5/14}; ¾¾ËÜÐÒ»Î(¹ñΩŷʸÂæCfCA) Ãæ¿´À±...
:&aname(long0521){5/21}; ¸Åß·½Ô(¹ñΩŷʸÂæCfCA) ½ÅÎÏÊø²õ...
:&aname(long0528){5/28}; ĹëÀɧ(¹ñΩŷʸÂæCfCA) ¸¶»Ï...
:&aname(long0604){6/4}; ÊÒ²¬ ¾Ï²í¡Ê¹ñΩŷʸÂæÍýÏÀÉô¡ËPlan...
:&aname(long0611){6/11}; ´Ý»³ ÃÒ¹¬¡ÊÆüËÜÂç³Ø¡Ë¶¯¼§¾ì¸¶»Ï...
:&aname(long0618){6/18}; ÀîÅç Êþ¾°¡Ê¹ñΩŷʸÂæCfCA¡ËµðÂç...
:&aname(long0625){6/25}; ¸¼ÅÄ ±Ñŵ¡ÊÅìµþ¹©¶ÈÂç³Ø ELSI¡ËCo...
:&aname(long0702){7/2}; ·´ ÏÂÈÏ¡ÊKEK¡ËHow to distinguish...
I would like to give a talk on a variety of large field i...
I will give a talk on a corresponding introduction of inf...
:&aname(long0709){7/9}; ¿¢ÅÄ ÌÌé (Univ. of Denver) Hersc...
:&aname(long0716){7/16}; Ê¡Åç ÅлÖÉ× (NAOJ) Analytical c...
For the generalized Fermi-Dirac integrals, $F_k(\eta,\bet...
$k=-$1/2, 1/2, 3/2, and 5/2, we explicitly obtained the f...
their Sommerfeld expansions. The main terms of the last t...
are rewritten so as to avoid the cancellation problem. If...
say not less than 13.5, 12.0, 10.9, and 9.9 when $k=-1/2$...
and $5/2$, respectively, the first 8 terms of the expansi...
precision accuracy for arbitrary value of $\beta$. Simila...
accuracy is achieved by the 11 terms expansion if $\eta$ ...
36.8, 31.6, 30.7, and 26.6 when $k=-1/2$, $1/2$, $3/2$, a...
Since the truncated expansions are analytically given in ...
their computational time is sufficiently small, say at mo...
that of the integrand evaluation for the 8- and 11-terms ...
respectively. When $\eta$ is larger than a certain thresh...
these appropriately-truncated Sommerfeld expansions provi...
10-80 acceleration of the computation of the generalized...
when compared with the direct numerical quadrature.
:&aname(long0723){7/23}; ºØÆ£ µ®Ç· (ELSI) ¿·¤·¤¤ SPH Ë¡...
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Ë¡¤Ï°µ½ÌÀήÂΤοô...
:&aname(long1001){10/1}; ÁÄë ¸µ (ÍýÏÀÉô) ÃæÀ»ÒÀ±´Ñ¬¤È...
:&aname(long1008){10/8}; ĹëÀî¡¡Ì÷¹É (ÍýÏÀÉô) Planet fo...
One of the most fundamental questions in theories of plan...
:&aname(long1015){10/15}; Turner, Edwin Lewis (Princeton ...
Tidally heated exomoons (THEM) can plausibly be far more ...
:&aname(long1022){10/22}; ²ÃÆ£ ¹±É§ (CfCA) ¹â¥Þ¥Ã¥Ï¿ô¤Î½à...
:&aname(long1024){10/24}; Keiichi Kodaira (JSPS Bonn Liai...
Selected works are reviewed which are related to the unkn...
("conspiracy") between dark-matter and matter in galaxy e...
Starting from 1970's when optical and radio observation y...
"luminosity- velocity relations" to the decades of 1990's...
when SDSS data and X-ray data became available, the accum...
suggest that some kinds of unknown "physical processes" m...
to make matching between the dark-matter halo and the glo...
structures of the imbedded matter galaxy. $(Q#| Since th...
halos and the galaxy stellar systems can be regarded as p...
ensembles, the phase-space-density distributions might pl...
important role.
Recent large scale simulations in the LCDM universe produ...
universe following their evolution from high z through z=...
behavior of the dark-matter halos without dissipative pro...
common characteristics, as are indicated in the simulatio...
Millennium Project / the Aquarius Project.
The trials to include dissipative processes among baryons...
formation of the observable galaxies involve complex phys...
processes like star formation & evolution, and AGN phenom...
energy / momentum / chemical elements feed- backs, and, s...
have to invoke some kind of empirical, phenomenological t...
adjusting the values of the assumed parameters so that th...
abundance and relations match to the observed ones.
Facing with the high complexity of the involved processes...
inclined to adopt a working hypothesis that the nature of...
"conspiracy" might be a kind of systemic (collective) inf...
dark-matter halo upon the evolution of the baryon system ...
:&aname(long1029){10/29};ÇϾì½ß°ì (ELSI) ¥·¥ß¥å¥ì¡¼¥·¥ç¥ó...
:&aname(long1105){11/05}; Ralph Pudritz (McMaster) From F...
Filamentary structure is ubiquitous on multiple scales in...
:&aname(long1113){11/13}; Kenneth C. Wong (ASIAA EACOA Fe...
Strong gravitational lens galaxies present a unique oppor...
galaxy evolution and cosmology. By constructing a mass m...
galaxy that can reproduce the observed lensing configurat...
possible to constrain the structural properties of the ga...
Furthermore, lensed quasars with a measured time delay ca...
constrain cosmological parameters, independent of other p...
supernovae, CMB observations, and BAOs. Most of the lens...
discovered to date have been at relatively low redshift (...
few discovered at z > 1. I present the discovery of a le...
1.62, making it the most distant lens galaxy known. Anal...
system shows that it is a compact early-type galaxy with ...
consistent with Chabrier than Salpeter, in contrast to re...
galaxies at low redshift. I also present results from th...
which aims to accurately model five time-delay lenses to ...
determination of the Hubble constant. In particular, cor...
introduced by line-of-sight structures projected near the...
key systematic that needs to be overcome. I present a ne...
accurately and efficiently characterizing these effects, ...
the most significant perturbers explicitly while treating...
the perturbers with an approximation that greatly reduces...
:&aname(long1119){11/19}; Ali Rahmati (Univ of Zurich) Si...
Modern state-of-the-art cosmological simulations of galax...
:&aname(long1126){11/26}; Ramon Brasser (ELSI) Tilting S...
The migration and encounter histories of the giant planet...
:&aname(long1203){12/03}; Nanase Harada(ASIAA) Molecules ...
Composition of different molecular species has been used ...
:&aname(long1212){12/12}; Felipe Alves (MPE) Magnetic fie...
Magnetic fields affect the dynamics of the interstellar m...
star-formation studies. Our studies reveal that starless ...
:&aname(long1215){12/15}; Josep Miquel Girart (CSIC-IEEC...
The magnetic field appears to be an essential ingredient ...
:&aname(long1217){12/17}; À¸¶ð¡¡ÂçÍÎ(ÅìÂç)¡¡ÏÇÀ±·ÁÀ®¡§Ã»...
¶áǯ¤Î±§Ãè˾±ó¶À¤Ë¤è¤ë·Ï³°ÏÇÀ±¥µ¡¼¥Ù¥¤¤Ë¤è¤Ã¤Æ¡¢ µ°Æ»¼þ´ü...
:&aname(long0107){1/7};°Ëƣ͵µ® (Íý¸¦) ¹½Â¤¤ò»ý¤Ã¤¿ÁêÂÐÏÀ...
¥¬ ¥ó¥ÞÀþ¥Ð¡¼¥¹¥È¤ÎÊü¼Íµ¡¹½¤òÀâÌÀ¤¹¤ëÍýÏÀ¥â¥Ç¥ë¤È¤·¤Æ¶áǯ...
¤½¤³¤Ç¡¢Ëܸ¦µæ¤Ç¤Ï¥â¥ó¥Æ=¥« ¥ë¥íË¡¤òÍѤ¤¤¿íÕ¼ÍÍ¢Á÷·×»»¥³...
:&aname(long0114){1/14}; ĹÅç²í͵ ¡Êʸ¶µ¡Ë¶ä²Ï·ÁÀ®ÌäÂê¤Ø...
:&aname(long0128){1/28}; Ä«ÈæÆàͺÂÀ¡ÊÀéÍÕ¡Ë¥¸¥§¥Ã¥È¤ÈÀ±...
:&aname(long0204){2/04}; Ê¿µïͪ¡ÊÅìµþÂç/ÍýÏÀÉô¡ËOrigin o...
Astrophysical site(s) of r-process has not been identifie...
:&aname(long0313a){3/13}; ÉðÆ£¶³Ç·¡Ê¹©³Ø±¡¡Ë¸¶»ÏÏÇÀ±·Ï±ß...
:&aname(long0313b){3/13}; Man Hoi Lee¡ÊThe University of ...
The dwarf planet Pluto has a fascinating satellite system...
// ¢«¥À¥Ö¥ë¥¹¥é¥Ã¥·¥å¤Ï¥³¥á¥ó¥È¥¢¥¦¥È
//:&aname(long0514){5/14}; ̾Á°¡¡¥¿¥¤¥È¥ë|
//:&aname(long0521){5/21}; ̾Á°¡¡¥¿¥¤¥È¥ë|
* ÍýÏÀ¥³¥í¥¥¦¥à2014 [#web1f149]
** Schedule & History [#nc67ead7]
|[[4/16>#long0416]]|Steven Rieder (Kapteyn Astronomical I...
|[[4/23>#long0423]]|°æ¾å¹ä»Ö (ÍýÏÀÉô)|[[ʬ»Ò±À¾×Æͤˤè¤ë...
|[[5/7>#long0507]]|ÌîÂôµ®Ìé (ÍýÏÀÉô)|[[Ķ¿·À±Çúȯ»þ¤Ë¤ª¤±...
|[[5/14>#long0514]]|¾¾ËÜ ÐһΠ(CfCA)|[[Ãæ¿´À±¶á˵¥¹¡¼¥Ñ¡¼...
|[[5/21>#long0521]]|¸Åß· ½Ô (CfCA)|[[½ÅÎÏÊø²õ·¿Ä¶¿·À±Çúȯ...
|[[5/28>#long0528]]|ĹëÀî ¹¬É§ (CfCA)|[[¸¶»ÏÏÇÀ±·Ï±ßÈפË...
|[[6/4>#long0604]]|ÊÒ²¬ ¾Ï²í (ÍýÏÀÉô)|[[Planetesimal Form...
|[[6/11>#long0611]]|´Ý»³ ÃÒ¹¬ (ÆüËÜÂç³Ø)|[[¶¯¼§¾ì¸¶»ÏÃæÀ...
|[[6/18>#long0618]]|ÀîÅç Êþ¾° (CfCA)|[[µðÂç¥Ö¥é¥Ã¥¯¥Û¡¼¥ë...
|[[6/25>#long0625]]|¸¼ÅÄ ±Ñŵ (ELSI)|[[Collisions, Collis...
|[[7/2>#long0702]]|·´¡¡ÏÂÈÏ (KEK)|[[How to distinguish l...
|[[7/9>#long0709]]|¿¢ÅÄ ÌÌé (Univ. of Denver)|[[Herschel...
|[[7/16>#long0716]]|Ê¡Åç ÅлÖÉ× (NAOJ)|[[Analytical compu...
|[[7/23>#long0723]]|ºØÆ£ µ®Ç· (ELSI)|[[¿·¤·¤¤ SPH Ë¡¤ÎÄê...
|[[10/1>#long1001]]|ÁÄ븵 (ÍýÏÀÉô)|[[ÃæÀ»ÒÀ±´Ñ¬¤È¾õÂÖ...
|[[10/8>#long1008]]|ĹëÀî Ì÷¹É(ÍýÏÀÉô)|[[Planet formatio...
|[[10/15>#long1015]]|Turner, Edwin Lewis (Princeton Univ....
|[[10/22>#long1022]]|²ÃÆ£¹±É§ (CfCA)|[[¹â¥Þ¥Ã¥Ï¿ô¤Î½àÊ¿¹Ô...
|[[10/24>#long1024]]| Keiichi Kodaira (JSPS Bonn Liaison ...
|[[10/29>#long1029]]|ÇϾì½ß°ì (ELSI)|[[ ¥·¥ß¥å¥ì¡¼¥·¥ç¥ó...
|[[11/5>#long1105]] | Ralph Pudritz (McMaster)|[[ From Fi...
|[[11/13>#long1113]]|Kenneth C. Wong (ASIAA)|[[Strong Gra...
|[[11/19>#long1119]]| Ali Rahmati (Univ of Zurich)|[[Simu...
|[[11/26>#long1126]]| Ramon Brasser (ELSI) | [[Tilting Sa...
|[[12/03>#long1203]]|Nanase Harada(ASIAA) |[[Molecules in...
|[[12/12>#long1212]]| Felipe Alves (MPE) | [[Magnetic fie...
|[[12/15>#long1215]]| Josep Miquel Girart (CSIC-IEEC) | [...
|[[12/17>#long1217]]| À¸¶ðÂçÍÎ ¡ÊÅìÂç¡Ë| [[ÏÇÀ±·ÁÀ®¡§Ã»...
|[[1/7>#long0107]]| °Ëƣ͵µ® (Íý¸¦)| [[ ¹½Â¤¤ò»ý¤Ã¤¿ÁêÂÐ...
|[[1/14>#long0114]]| ĹÅç²í͵ ¡Êʸ¶µ¡Ë| [[ ¶ä²Ï·ÁÀ®ÌäÂê¤Ø...
|[[1/28>#long0128]]| Ä«ÈæÆàͺÂÀ¡ÊÀéÍÕ¡Ë| [[ ¥¸¥§¥Ã¥È¤ÈÀ±...
|[[2/4>#long0204]]| Ê¿µïͪ¡ÊÅìµþÂç/ÍýÏÀÉô¡Ë| [[ Origin of...
|[[3/13>#long0313a]]| ÉðÆ£¶³Ç·¡Ê¹©³Ø±¡¡Ë| [[ ¸¶»ÏÏÇÀ±·Ï...
|[[3/13>#long0313b]]| Man Hoi Lee ¡ÊThe University of Hon...
** Abstract [#ydde7726]
:&aname(long0416){4/16}; Steven Rieder(Kapteyn Astronomic...
In this seminar, I will discuss various simulations conce...
The first part concerns CosmoGrid, a high-resolution Lamb...
In the second part, I will discuss AMUSE, a framework tha...
:&aname(long0423){4/23}; °æ¾å¹ä»Ö(¹ñΩŷʸÂæÍýÏÀÉô) ʬ»Ò...
:&aname(long0423){5/7}; ÌîÂôµ®Ìé(¹ñΩŷʸÂæÍýÏÀÉô) Ķ¿·À±...
:&aname(long0514){5/14}; ¾¾ËÜÐÒ»Î(¹ñΩŷʸÂæCfCA) Ãæ¿´À±...
:&aname(long0521){5/21}; ¸Åß·½Ô(¹ñΩŷʸÂæCfCA) ½ÅÎÏÊø²õ...
:&aname(long0528){5/28}; ĹëÀɧ(¹ñΩŷʸÂæCfCA) ¸¶»Ï...
:&aname(long0604){6/4}; ÊÒ²¬ ¾Ï²í¡Ê¹ñΩŷʸÂæÍýÏÀÉô¡ËPlan...
:&aname(long0611){6/11}; ´Ý»³ ÃÒ¹¬¡ÊÆüËÜÂç³Ø¡Ë¶¯¼§¾ì¸¶»Ï...
:&aname(long0618){6/18}; ÀîÅç Êþ¾°¡Ê¹ñΩŷʸÂæCfCA¡ËµðÂç...
:&aname(long0625){6/25}; ¸¼ÅÄ ±Ñŵ¡ÊÅìµþ¹©¶ÈÂç³Ø ELSI¡ËCo...
:&aname(long0702){7/2}; ·´ ÏÂÈÏ¡ÊKEK¡ËHow to distinguish...
I would like to give a talk on a variety of large field i...
I will give a talk on a corresponding introduction of inf...
:&aname(long0709){7/9}; ¿¢ÅÄ ÌÌé (Univ. of Denver) Hersc...
:&aname(long0716){7/16}; Ê¡Åç ÅлÖÉ× (NAOJ) Analytical c...
For the generalized Fermi-Dirac integrals, $F_k(\eta,\bet...
$k=-$1/2, 1/2, 3/2, and 5/2, we explicitly obtained the f...
their Sommerfeld expansions. The main terms of the last t...
are rewritten so as to avoid the cancellation problem. If...
say not less than 13.5, 12.0, 10.9, and 9.9 when $k=-1/2$...
and $5/2$, respectively, the first 8 terms of the expansi...
precision accuracy for arbitrary value of $\beta$. Simila...
accuracy is achieved by the 11 terms expansion if $\eta$ ...
36.8, 31.6, 30.7, and 26.6 when $k=-1/2$, $1/2$, $3/2$, a...
Since the truncated expansions are analytically given in ...
their computational time is sufficiently small, say at mo...
that of the integrand evaluation for the 8- and 11-terms ...
respectively. When $\eta$ is larger than a certain thresh...
these appropriately-truncated Sommerfeld expansions provi...
10-80 acceleration of the computation of the generalized...
when compared with the direct numerical quadrature.
:&aname(long0723){7/23}; ºØÆ£ µ®Ç· (ELSI) ¿·¤·¤¤ SPH Ë¡...
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Ë¡¤Ï°µ½ÌÀήÂΤοô...
:&aname(long1001){10/1}; ÁÄë ¸µ (ÍýÏÀÉô) ÃæÀ»ÒÀ±´Ñ¬¤È...
:&aname(long1008){10/8}; ĹëÀî¡¡Ì÷¹É (ÍýÏÀÉô) Planet fo...
One of the most fundamental questions in theories of plan...
:&aname(long1015){10/15}; Turner, Edwin Lewis (Princeton ...
Tidally heated exomoons (THEM) can plausibly be far more ...
:&aname(long1022){10/22}; ²ÃÆ£ ¹±É§ (CfCA) ¹â¥Þ¥Ã¥Ï¿ô¤Î½à...
:&aname(long1024){10/24}; Keiichi Kodaira (JSPS Bonn Liai...
Selected works are reviewed which are related to the unkn...
("conspiracy") between dark-matter and matter in galaxy e...
Starting from 1970's when optical and radio observation y...
"luminosity- velocity relations" to the decades of 1990's...
when SDSS data and X-ray data became available, the accum...
suggest that some kinds of unknown "physical processes" m...
to make matching between the dark-matter halo and the glo...
structures of the imbedded matter galaxy. $(Q#| Since th...
halos and the galaxy stellar systems can be regarded as p...
ensembles, the phase-space-density distributions might pl...
important role.
Recent large scale simulations in the LCDM universe produ...
universe following their evolution from high z through z=...
behavior of the dark-matter halos without dissipative pro...
common characteristics, as are indicated in the simulatio...
Millennium Project / the Aquarius Project.
The trials to include dissipative processes among baryons...
formation of the observable galaxies involve complex phys...
processes like star formation & evolution, and AGN phenom...
energy / momentum / chemical elements feed- backs, and, s...
have to invoke some kind of empirical, phenomenological t...
adjusting the values of the assumed parameters so that th...
abundance and relations match to the observed ones.
Facing with the high complexity of the involved processes...
inclined to adopt a working hypothesis that the nature of...
"conspiracy" might be a kind of systemic (collective) inf...
dark-matter halo upon the evolution of the baryon system ...
:&aname(long1029){10/29};ÇϾì½ß°ì (ELSI) ¥·¥ß¥å¥ì¡¼¥·¥ç¥ó...
:&aname(long1105){11/05}; Ralph Pudritz (McMaster) From F...
Filamentary structure is ubiquitous on multiple scales in...
:&aname(long1113){11/13}; Kenneth C. Wong (ASIAA EACOA Fe...
Strong gravitational lens galaxies present a unique oppor...
galaxy evolution and cosmology. By constructing a mass m...
galaxy that can reproduce the observed lensing configurat...
possible to constrain the structural properties of the ga...
Furthermore, lensed quasars with a measured time delay ca...
constrain cosmological parameters, independent of other p...
supernovae, CMB observations, and BAOs. Most of the lens...
discovered to date have been at relatively low redshift (...
few discovered at z > 1. I present the discovery of a le...
1.62, making it the most distant lens galaxy known. Anal...
system shows that it is a compact early-type galaxy with ...
consistent with Chabrier than Salpeter, in contrast to re...
galaxies at low redshift. I also present results from th...
which aims to accurately model five time-delay lenses to ...
determination of the Hubble constant. In particular, cor...
introduced by line-of-sight structures projected near the...
key systematic that needs to be overcome. I present a ne...
accurately and efficiently characterizing these effects, ...
the most significant perturbers explicitly while treating...
the perturbers with an approximation that greatly reduces...
:&aname(long1119){11/19}; Ali Rahmati (Univ of Zurich) Si...
Modern state-of-the-art cosmological simulations of galax...
:&aname(long1126){11/26}; Ramon Brasser (ELSI) Tilting S...
The migration and encounter histories of the giant planet...
:&aname(long1203){12/03}; Nanase Harada(ASIAA) Molecules ...
Composition of different molecular species has been used ...
:&aname(long1212){12/12}; Felipe Alves (MPE) Magnetic fie...
Magnetic fields affect the dynamics of the interstellar m...
star-formation studies. Our studies reveal that starless ...
:&aname(long1215){12/15}; Josep Miquel Girart (CSIC-IEEC...
The magnetic field appears to be an essential ingredient ...
:&aname(long1217){12/17}; À¸¶ð¡¡ÂçÍÎ(ÅìÂç)¡¡ÏÇÀ±·ÁÀ®¡§Ã»...
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:&aname(long0107){1/7};°Ëƣ͵µ® (Íý¸¦) ¹½Â¤¤ò»ý¤Ã¤¿ÁêÂÐÏÀ...
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The dwarf planet Pluto has a fascinating satellite system...
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