Colloquium of Theoretical Astronomy Division
* DTA Colloquium 2018 [#z407468f]
DTA Colloquium(ÍýÏÀ¥³¥í¥¥¦¥à)¤Ï¸¶Â§¤È¤·¤ÆËè½µ²ÐÍËÆü¤Î¸á...
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//Number of organizer
// Takiwaki 1
// Ogihara 4
// Kusune 2
// Takahashi 2
// Asahina 2
// Sasaki 1
** Schedule & History [#j2453518]
|[[04/05>#long0404]]|all internal members|self-introducti...
|[[04/10>#long0410]]|Adriana Pohl (Max-Planck Institute o...
|[[04/17>#long0417]]|Yoshiaki Kato (Riken)|Radiation MHD ...
|[[04/24>#long0424]]|Akihiro Suzuki (NAOJ)|Multi-dimensio...
|[[05/08>#long0508]]|Yoshiyuki Inoue (Riken)|Coronal Magn...
|[[05/10>#long0510]]|Keiichi Maeda(Kyoto University)|Prog...
|[[05/15>#long0515]]|Kyohei Kawaguchi (ICRR)|Radiative-tr...
|[[05/22>#long0522]]|Kazumi Kashiyama (University of Toky...
|[[05/29>#long0529]]|ShingChi Leung (IPMU)|Pulsation Pair...
|[[06/05>#long0605]]|Doris Arzoumanian (Nagoya University...
|[[06/12>#long0612]]|Teppei Minoda (Nagoya University)|Th...
|[[06/26>#long0626]]|TBA||Rinko room / 13:30|||
|[[07/03>#long0703]]|Shota Notsu (Kyoto University)|Possi...
|[[07/10>#long0710]]|Riouhei Nakatani (University of Toky...
|[[07/24>#long0724]]|Shunsuke Ideguchi (NAOJ)|Basics of F...
|[[10/02>#long1002]]|Richard Teague (University of Michig...
|[[10/11>#long1011]]| Hector O. Silva (Montana State Univ...
|[[10/11>#long1011]]| George Papas (Sapienza University o...
|[[10/16>#long1016]]|Kazunari Iwasaki (Osaka University) ...
|[[10/30>#long1030]]|Yen-Chen Pan (NAOJ) |Understanding T...
|[[11/12>#long1112]]|Sylvain Bontemps(Bordeaux University...
|[[11/20>#long1120]]|Yuri Fujii (Nagoya University) |Form...
|[[12/04>#long1204]]|DTA workshop |||||
|[[12/11>#long1211]]|Daisuke Nakauchi (Tohoku University)...
|[[01/08>#long0108]]|Hiroshi Kobayashi (Nagoya University...
|[[01/15>#long0115]]|CfCA UM |||||
|[[01/22>#long0122]]|Jun Kumamoto (University of Tokyo) |...
|[[02/07>#long0207]]|Hiroshi Kimura (Chiba Institute of T...
|[[02/12>#long0212]]|Kei Tanaka (Osaka University/ NAOJ)|...
|[[02/18>#long0218]]|Takashi Shibata (NAOJ)|Coalescence c...
|[[02/26>#long0226]]|Hirotaka Hohokabe (NAOJ)|Flow struct...
|[[03/05>#long0305]]|Scott Suriano (University of Tokyo)|...
|[[03/12>#long0312]]|Shingo Hirano (Kyusyu University)|En...
** Confirmed speakers [#hfb505be]
** Abstract [#id139640]
//:&aname(long0401){4/01}; Name (affiliation) title|
:&aname(long0410){4/10}; Adriana Pohl (Max-Planck Institu...
Recent observational instruments like VLT/SPHERE and ALMA...
:&aname(long0417){04/17}; Yoshiaki Kato (Riken)¡¡Radiatio...
One of the long-standing problems in solar physics is to ...
mechanism which maintains the solar atmosphere. The chro...
layer between the photosphere and the corona, is a key to...
the mystery of the solar atmosphere. It is yet to be rev...
entirely by observations because the chromosphere has com...
structure and rapid variability. Therefore, radiation
magnetohydrodynamic (RMHD) simulations play a major role ...
understanding such a complexity, which is difficult to in...
physical processes.
I introduce my recent publications on the effect of MHD w...
associated with an isolated magnetic flux concentration (...
tube), which is anchored in the photosphere and extended ...
corona. This is a classical problem which is extensively...
many literatures and probably the best example to underst...
waves. While all studies so far relied on inflicting dri...
in the photosphere, only a self-consistent RMHD simulatio...
solar atmospheric layers from the surface convection zone...
corona can resolve the realistic nature of MHD waves.
First, I present the generation and propagation of mostly...
waves, driven by magneto-convective processes in the deep...
and beneath it. This is so-called magnetic pumping proce...
generates slow modes that propagate upward and develop in...
waves in the chromosphere. The magnetic pumping is a rob...
for generating shock waves in the vicinity of strong flux...
chromospheric height and therefore it¡Çs most likely to su...
chromosphere. Second, I present the identification of to...
in the chromosphere and the corona. Vortical flows in th...
convection zone and the photosphere force magnetic field ...
rotate and thus produce so-called solar ¡Èmagnetic tornado...
extend into the corona. Unlike slow modes, large portion...
torsional modes can reach the corona without suffering si...
dissipation and therefore it¡Çs capable of sustaining the ...
Third, I present the detection of physical phenomena in t...
by magnetic pumping imprinted on the spectral lines. Tha...
rapidly advancing solar observations over the past decade...
have an unique opportunity to grasp the quantitative natu...
waves in the near future. It will enable us to extend ou...
of plasma into those of the other astrophysical objects. ...
will briefly talk about the future perspective on my rese...
next decades.
:&aname(long0424){04/24}; Akihiro Suzuki (NAOJ)¡¡Multi-di...
Core-collapse supernova explosions are of fundamental imp...
:&aname(long0508){05/08}; Yoshiyuki Inoue (Riken)¡¡Corona...
Black hole coronae are believed to be heated by their mag...
:&aname(long0510){05/10}; Keiichi Maeda(Kyoto University)...
I will provide a review on the current status of observat...
:&aname(long0515){05/15}; Kyohei Kawaguchi (ICRR)¡¡Radiat...
Recent detection of gravitational waves from a binary-neu...
the blue component is too fast as post-merger ejecta. In ...
:&aname(long0522){05/22}; Kazumi Kashiyama (University of...
Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are enigmatic radio transients w...
:&aname(long0605){06/05}; Doris Arzoumanian (Nagoya Univ...
The highly filamentary structure of the interstellar medi...
The omnipresence of filaments in observations as well as ...
I will present what we have learned about the properties ...
:&aname(long0612){06/12}; Teppei Minoda (Nagoya Universi...
The magnetic fields are ubiquitous on the astronomical ob...
We consider these effects and calculate the time evolutio...
In this talk, I will briefly introduce the PMFs and its g...
:&aname(long0703){07/03}; Shota Notsu (Kyoto University) ...
Observationally locating the position of the H2O snowline...
In our studies (Notsu et al. 2016, ApJ, 827, 113; 2017, A...
In addition, we found that H2(18)O lines trace deeper int...
:&aname(long0710){07/10}; Riouhei Nakatani (University of...
Protoplanetary disks are thought to have lifetimes of sev...
perform a suite of radiation hydrodynamics simulations of...
Our simulations follow hydrodynamics, radiative transfer,...
transfer of the stellar irradiation and grain (re-) emiss...
the case with ultra-violet (UV) radiation only. At sub-s...
:&aname(long0724){07/24}; Shunsuke Ideguchi (NAOJ) Basic...
The synchrotron radiations from various astronomical obje...
:&aname(long1002){10/02}; Richard Teague (University of ...
ALMA has undoubtedly revolutionised our understanding of ...
:&aname(long1011){10/11}; Hector O. Silva (Montana State ...
Observation of the x-ray pulse profile emitted by hotspot...
:&aname(long1011){10/11}; George Pappas (Sapienza Univers...
The Kerr spacetime that describes all rotating black hole...
:&aname(long1016){10/16}; Kazunari Iwasaki (Osaka Univer...
The formation of molecular clouds is one of the fundament...
:&aname(long1030){10/30}; Yen-Chen Pan (NAOJ) Understandi...
Ultraviolet (UV) observations of Type Ia supernovae (SNe ...
:&aname(long1120){11/20}; Yuri Fujii (Nagoya University) ...
During the formation phase of gas giants, circumplanetary...
:&aname(long1211){12/11}; Daisuke Nakauchi (Tohoku Univer...
Magnetic fields change the mass and angular momentum of a...
cloud and affect the formation of a protostar disk and bi...
driving an outflow and braking the cloud core rotation. T...
between the gas and magnetic field is, however, generally...
the low fractional ionization of the cloud. Therefore, ac...
calculation of the ionization degree is needed to conside...
fields. Here, we calculate the chemical and thermal evolu...
low-metallicity cloud by using a chemical network in whic...
reactions are considered for all the forward reactions. C...
reverse reactions only for 1/10 of the forward reactions,...
can not calculate the ionization degree accurately until ...
formation. We find that at ~ 10^{14}-10^{19} cm^{-3}, the...
degree becomes 10-100 times higher than that obtained in ...
studies. This is due to the ionization of alkali metals, ...
sodium, and potassium, which are missed in the previous s...
calculate the magnetic diffusivities and discuss the impl...
:&aname(long0108){1/8}; Hiroshi Kobayashi (Nagoya Univers...
Planets are believed to be formed in a protoplanetary dis...
:&aname(long0122){1/22}; Jun Kumamoto (University of Toky...
In February 2016, the first gravitational wave was direct...
:&aname(long0207){2/7}; Hiroshi Kimura (Chiba Institute o...
— Genesis 3:19: For dust you are and to dust you wi...
This is the essence of cosmic dust research at PERC (Plan...
Primitive cosmic dust consists of C, H, O, and N, owing t...
:&aname(long0207){2/12}; Kei Tanaka (Osaka University/ NA...
Despite their importance in various fields of astrophysic...
:&aname(long0218){2/18}; Takashi Shibata (NAOJ) Coalescen...
Terrestrial planets and ice giants are thought to be born...
:&aname(long0305){3/4}; Scott Suriano (University of Toky...
Radial substructures in circumstellar disks are now routi...
:&aname(long0312){3/12}; Shingo Hirano (Kyusyu University...
// ¢«¥À¥Ö¥ë¥¹¥é¥Ã¥·¥å¤Ï¥³¥á¥ó¥È¥¢¥¦¥È
//:&aname(long0514){5/14}; ̾Á°¡¡¥¿¥¤¥È¥ë|
//:&aname(long0521){5/21}; ̾Á°¡¡¥¿¥¤¥È¥ë|
* DTA Colloquium 2018 [#z407468f]
DTA Colloquium(ÍýÏÀ¥³¥í¥¥¦¥à)¤Ï¸¶Â§¤È¤·¤ÆËè½µ²ÐÍËÆü¤Î¸á...
- ²®¸¶ÀµÇî
- Æﺬ µ®À®
- ¹â¶¶ÇîÇ·
- Ä«ÈæÆàͺÂÀ
- º´¡¹ÌÚ¹¨Ï
//Number of organizer
// Takiwaki 1
// Ogihara 4
// Kusune 2
// Takahashi 2
// Asahina 2
// Sasaki 1
** Schedule & History [#j2453518]
|[[04/05>#long0404]]|all internal members|self-introducti...
|[[04/10>#long0410]]|Adriana Pohl (Max-Planck Institute o...
|[[04/17>#long0417]]|Yoshiaki Kato (Riken)|Radiation MHD ...
|[[04/24>#long0424]]|Akihiro Suzuki (NAOJ)|Multi-dimensio...
|[[05/08>#long0508]]|Yoshiyuki Inoue (Riken)|Coronal Magn...
|[[05/10>#long0510]]|Keiichi Maeda(Kyoto University)|Prog...
|[[05/15>#long0515]]|Kyohei Kawaguchi (ICRR)|Radiative-tr...
|[[05/22>#long0522]]|Kazumi Kashiyama (University of Toky...
|[[05/29>#long0529]]|ShingChi Leung (IPMU)|Pulsation Pair...
|[[06/05>#long0605]]|Doris Arzoumanian (Nagoya University...
|[[06/12>#long0612]]|Teppei Minoda (Nagoya University)|Th...
|[[06/26>#long0626]]|TBA||Rinko room / 13:30|||
|[[07/03>#long0703]]|Shota Notsu (Kyoto University)|Possi...
|[[07/10>#long0710]]|Riouhei Nakatani (University of Toky...
|[[07/24>#long0724]]|Shunsuke Ideguchi (NAOJ)|Basics of F...
|[[10/02>#long1002]]|Richard Teague (University of Michig...
|[[10/11>#long1011]]| Hector O. Silva (Montana State Univ...
|[[10/11>#long1011]]| George Papas (Sapienza University o...
|[[10/16>#long1016]]|Kazunari Iwasaki (Osaka University) ...
|[[10/30>#long1030]]|Yen-Chen Pan (NAOJ) |Understanding T...
|[[11/12>#long1112]]|Sylvain Bontemps(Bordeaux University...
|[[11/20>#long1120]]|Yuri Fujii (Nagoya University) |Form...
|[[12/04>#long1204]]|DTA workshop |||||
|[[12/11>#long1211]]|Daisuke Nakauchi (Tohoku University)...
|[[01/08>#long0108]]|Hiroshi Kobayashi (Nagoya University...
|[[01/15>#long0115]]|CfCA UM |||||
|[[01/22>#long0122]]|Jun Kumamoto (University of Tokyo) |...
|[[02/07>#long0207]]|Hiroshi Kimura (Chiba Institute of T...
|[[02/12>#long0212]]|Kei Tanaka (Osaka University/ NAOJ)|...
|[[02/18>#long0218]]|Takashi Shibata (NAOJ)|Coalescence c...
|[[02/26>#long0226]]|Hirotaka Hohokabe (NAOJ)|Flow struct...
|[[03/05>#long0305]]|Scott Suriano (University of Tokyo)|...
|[[03/12>#long0312]]|Shingo Hirano (Kyusyu University)|En...
** Confirmed speakers [#hfb505be]
** Abstract [#id139640]
//:&aname(long0401){4/01}; Name (affiliation) title|
:&aname(long0410){4/10}; Adriana Pohl (Max-Planck Institu...
Recent observational instruments like VLT/SPHERE and ALMA...
:&aname(long0417){04/17}; Yoshiaki Kato (Riken)¡¡Radiatio...
One of the long-standing problems in solar physics is to ...
mechanism which maintains the solar atmosphere. The chro...
layer between the photosphere and the corona, is a key to...
the mystery of the solar atmosphere. It is yet to be rev...
entirely by observations because the chromosphere has com...
structure and rapid variability. Therefore, radiation
magnetohydrodynamic (RMHD) simulations play a major role ...
understanding such a complexity, which is difficult to in...
physical processes.
I introduce my recent publications on the effect of MHD w...
associated with an isolated magnetic flux concentration (...
tube), which is anchored in the photosphere and extended ...
corona. This is a classical problem which is extensively...
many literatures and probably the best example to underst...
waves. While all studies so far relied on inflicting dri...
in the photosphere, only a self-consistent RMHD simulatio...
solar atmospheric layers from the surface convection zone...
corona can resolve the realistic nature of MHD waves.
First, I present the generation and propagation of mostly...
waves, driven by magneto-convective processes in the deep...
and beneath it. This is so-called magnetic pumping proce...
generates slow modes that propagate upward and develop in...
waves in the chromosphere. The magnetic pumping is a rob...
for generating shock waves in the vicinity of strong flux...
chromospheric height and therefore it¡Çs most likely to su...
chromosphere. Second, I present the identification of to...
in the chromosphere and the corona. Vortical flows in th...
convection zone and the photosphere force magnetic field ...
rotate and thus produce so-called solar ¡Èmagnetic tornado...
extend into the corona. Unlike slow modes, large portion...
torsional modes can reach the corona without suffering si...
dissipation and therefore it¡Çs capable of sustaining the ...
Third, I present the detection of physical phenomena in t...
by magnetic pumping imprinted on the spectral lines. Tha...
rapidly advancing solar observations over the past decade...
have an unique opportunity to grasp the quantitative natu...
waves in the near future. It will enable us to extend ou...
of plasma into those of the other astrophysical objects. ...
will briefly talk about the future perspective on my rese...
next decades.
:&aname(long0424){04/24}; Akihiro Suzuki (NAOJ)¡¡Multi-di...
Core-collapse supernova explosions are of fundamental imp...
:&aname(long0508){05/08}; Yoshiyuki Inoue (Riken)¡¡Corona...
Black hole coronae are believed to be heated by their mag...
:&aname(long0510){05/10}; Keiichi Maeda(Kyoto University)...
I will provide a review on the current status of observat...
:&aname(long0515){05/15}; Kyohei Kawaguchi (ICRR)¡¡Radiat...
Recent detection of gravitational waves from a binary-neu...
the blue component is too fast as post-merger ejecta. In ...
:&aname(long0522){05/22}; Kazumi Kashiyama (University of...
Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are enigmatic radio transients w...
:&aname(long0605){06/05}; Doris Arzoumanian (Nagoya Univ...
The highly filamentary structure of the interstellar medi...
The omnipresence of filaments in observations as well as ...
I will present what we have learned about the properties ...
:&aname(long0612){06/12}; Teppei Minoda (Nagoya Universi...
The magnetic fields are ubiquitous on the astronomical ob...
We consider these effects and calculate the time evolutio...
In this talk, I will briefly introduce the PMFs and its g...
:&aname(long0703){07/03}; Shota Notsu (Kyoto University) ...
Observationally locating the position of the H2O snowline...
In our studies (Notsu et al. 2016, ApJ, 827, 113; 2017, A...
In addition, we found that H2(18)O lines trace deeper int...
:&aname(long0710){07/10}; Riouhei Nakatani (University of...
Protoplanetary disks are thought to have lifetimes of sev...
perform a suite of radiation hydrodynamics simulations of...
Our simulations follow hydrodynamics, radiative transfer,...
transfer of the stellar irradiation and grain (re-) emiss...
the case with ultra-violet (UV) radiation only. At sub-s...
:&aname(long0724){07/24}; Shunsuke Ideguchi (NAOJ) Basic...
The synchrotron radiations from various astronomical obje...
:&aname(long1002){10/02}; Richard Teague (University of ...
ALMA has undoubtedly revolutionised our understanding of ...
:&aname(long1011){10/11}; Hector O. Silva (Montana State ...
Observation of the x-ray pulse profile emitted by hotspot...
:&aname(long1011){10/11}; George Pappas (Sapienza Univers...
The Kerr spacetime that describes all rotating black hole...
:&aname(long1016){10/16}; Kazunari Iwasaki (Osaka Univer...
The formation of molecular clouds is one of the fundament...
:&aname(long1030){10/30}; Yen-Chen Pan (NAOJ) Understandi...
Ultraviolet (UV) observations of Type Ia supernovae (SNe ...
:&aname(long1120){11/20}; Yuri Fujii (Nagoya University) ...
During the formation phase of gas giants, circumplanetary...
:&aname(long1211){12/11}; Daisuke Nakauchi (Tohoku Univer...
Magnetic fields change the mass and angular momentum of a...
cloud and affect the formation of a protostar disk and bi...
driving an outflow and braking the cloud core rotation. T...
between the gas and magnetic field is, however, generally...
the low fractional ionization of the cloud. Therefore, ac...
calculation of the ionization degree is needed to conside...
fields. Here, we calculate the chemical and thermal evolu...
low-metallicity cloud by using a chemical network in whic...
reactions are considered for all the forward reactions. C...
reverse reactions only for 1/10 of the forward reactions,...
can not calculate the ionization degree accurately until ...
formation. We find that at ~ 10^{14}-10^{19} cm^{-3}, the...
degree becomes 10-100 times higher than that obtained in ...
studies. This is due to the ionization of alkali metals, ...
sodium, and potassium, which are missed in the previous s...
calculate the magnetic diffusivities and discuss the impl...
:&aname(long0108){1/8}; Hiroshi Kobayashi (Nagoya Univers...
Planets are believed to be formed in a protoplanetary dis...
:&aname(long0122){1/22}; Jun Kumamoto (University of Toky...
In February 2016, the first gravitational wave was direct...
:&aname(long0207){2/7}; Hiroshi Kimura (Chiba Institute o...
— Genesis 3:19: For dust you are and to dust you wi...
This is the essence of cosmic dust research at PERC (Plan...
Primitive cosmic dust consists of C, H, O, and N, owing t...
:&aname(long0207){2/12}; Kei Tanaka (Osaka University/ NA...
Despite their importance in various fields of astrophysic...
:&aname(long0218){2/18}; Takashi Shibata (NAOJ) Coalescen...
Terrestrial planets and ice giants are thought to be born...
:&aname(long0305){3/4}; Scott Suriano (University of Toky...
Radial substructures in circumstellar disks are now routi...
:&aname(long0312){3/12}; Shingo Hirano (Kyusyu University...
// ¢«¥À¥Ö¥ë¥¹¥é¥Ã¥·¥å¤Ï¥³¥á¥ó¥È¥¢¥¦¥È
//:&aname(long0514){5/14}; ̾Á°¡¡¥¿¥¤¥È¥ë|
//:&aname(long0521){5/21}; ̾Á°¡¡¥¿¥¤¥È¥ë|