Planet ¤Î¥Ð¥Ã¥¯¥¢¥Ã¥×(No.89)
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- Planet ¤Ø¹Ô¤¯¡£
- 1 (2019-04-05 (¶â) 17:29:32)
- 2 (2019-04-08 (·î) 14:13:18)
- 3 (2019-04-11 (ÌÚ) 17:08:03)
- 4 (2019-04-15 (·î) 14:10:14)
- 5 (2019-04-16 (²Ð) 07:42:04)
- 6 (2019-04-18 (ÌÚ) 13:41:15)
- 7 (2019-04-22 (·î) 09:45:27)
- 8 (2019-04-22 (·î) 18:31:00)
- 9 (2019-04-23 (²Ð) 16:04:27)
- 10 (2019-04-24 (¿å) 15:59:22)
- 11 (2019-05-06 (·î) 15:55:55)
- 12 (2019-05-07 (²Ð) 17:29:15)
- 13 (2019-05-15 (¿å) 09:40:23)
- 14 (2019-05-28 (²Ð) 18:16:39)
- 15 (2019-05-29 (¿å) 07:40:33)
- 16 (2019-06-03 (·î) 15:39:11)
- 17 (2019-06-04 (²Ð) 18:44:30)
- 18 (2019-06-05 (¿å) 18:12:02)
- 19 (2019-06-09 (Æü) 01:12:05)
- 20 (2019-06-14 (¶â) 08:07:42)
- 21 (2019-06-19 (¿å) 16:28:35)
- 22 (2019-06-24 (·î) 17:29:45)
- 23 (2019-06-27 (ÌÚ) 14:11:16)
- 24 (2019-07-11 (ÌÚ) 20:15:27)
- 25 (2019-07-12 (¶â) 13:57:23)
- 26 (2019-10-02 (¿å) 18:10:34)
- 27 (2019-10-03 (ÌÚ) 15:36:12)
- 28 (2019-10-10 (ÌÚ) 11:24:09)
- 29 (2019-11-01 (¶â) 11:38:21)
- 30 (2019-11-04 (·î) 11:10:11)
- 31 (2019-12-18 (¿å) 13:38:58)
- 32 (2019-12-23 (·î) 17:49:40)
- 33 (2019-12-30 (·î) 15:31:57)
- 34 (2020-01-07 (²Ð) 16:10:11)
- 35 (2020-01-08 (¿å) 04:08:01)
- 36 (2020-01-08 (¿å) 11:53:12)
- 37 (2020-01-16 (ÌÚ) 15:18:17)
- 38 (2020-01-20 (·î) 12:49:01)
- 39 (2020-01-22 (¿å) 18:53:35)
- 40 (2020-01-27 (·î) 15:12:45)
- 41 (2020-03-03 (²Ð) 21:50:30)
- 42 (2020-04-02 (ÌÚ) 16:39:00)
- 43 (2020-04-08 (¿å) 18:38:23)
- 44 (2020-04-09 (ÌÚ) 11:24:13)
- 45 (2020-04-16 (ÌÚ) 16:10:46)
- 46 (2020-04-20 (·î) 11:53:51)
- 47 (2020-04-28 (²Ð) 20:28:33)
- 48 (2020-04-29 (¿å) 15:52:19)
- 49 (2020-05-07 (ÌÚ) 12:29:44)
- 50 (2020-05-08 (¶â) 14:15:50)
- 51 (2020-05-08 (¶â) 22:43:49)
- 52 (2020-05-14 (ÌÚ) 22:30:07)
- 53 (2020-06-26 (¶â) 17:31:55)
- 54 (2020-07-03 (¶â) 15:00:34)
- 55 (2020-07-19 (Æü) 12:04:08)
- 56 (2020-10-05 (·î) 18:52:22)
- 57 (2020-10-05 (·î) 22:30:37)
- 58 (2020-10-08 (ÌÚ) 16:31:06)
- 59 (2020-10-15 (ÌÚ) 10:15:06)
- 60 (2020-11-06 (¶â) 10:10:50)
- 61 (2020-11-20 (¶â) 22:58:33)
- 62 (2020-11-30 (·î) 17:26:33)
- 63 (2020-12-16 (¿å) 21:44:01)
- 64 (2020-12-21 (·î) 23:22:46)
- 65 (2021-01-08 (¶â) 13:15:27)
- 66 (2021-01-21 (ÌÚ) 20:25:06)
- 67 (2021-01-29 (¶â) 13:27:49)
- 68 (2021-02-21 (Æü) 12:23:25)
- 69 (2021-02-22 (·î) 13:24:52)
- 70 (2021-04-09 (¶â) 17:04:50)
- 71 (2021-04-16 (¶â) 11:29:47)
- 72 (2021-05-07 (¶â) 18:22:33)
- 73 (2021-05-15 (ÅÚ) 00:33:47)
- 74 (2021-05-17 (·î) 16:18:23)
- 75 (2021-05-30 (Æü) 22:12:00)
- 76 (2021-06-13 (Æü) 13:47:04)
- 77 (2021-07-07 (¿å) 18:36:13)
- 78 (2021-07-09 (¶â) 11:38:22)
- 79 (2021-09-21 (²Ð) 15:41:48)
- 80 (2021-10-01 (¶â) 14:57:41)
- 81 (2021-10-14 (ÌÚ) 14:49:25)
- 82 (2021-11-04 (ÌÚ) 10:12:42)
- 83 (2021-11-08 (·î) 17:56:27)
- 84 (2021-12-13 (·î) 15:01:49)
- 85 (2022-01-12 (¿å) 20:36:26)
- 86 (2022-01-13 (ÌÚ) 17:00:39)
- 87 (2022-01-27 (ÌÚ) 01:36:38)
- 88 (2022-02-10 (ÌÚ) 13:05:29)
- 89 (2022-04-29 (¶â) 00:26:41)
- 90 (2022-05-26 (ÌÚ) 16:01:50)
- 91 (2022-06-03 (¶â) 14:22:40)
- 92 (2022-06-06 (·î) 15:20:03)
- 93 (2022-06-15 (¿å) 18:34:48)
- 94 (2022-06-16 (ÌÚ) 00:44:05)
- 95 (2022-06-20 (·î) 16:51:40)
- 96 (2022-06-23 (ÌÚ) 16:10:59)
- 97 (2022-07-05 (²Ð) 11:47:42)
- 98 (2022-07-13 (¿å) 12:47:31)
- 99 (2022-09-12 (·î) 21:36:53)
- 100 (2022-10-06 (ÌÚ) 16:20:43)
- 101 (2022-10-20 (ÌÚ) 12:22:49)
- 102 (2022-10-25 (²Ð) 14:56:31)
- 103 (2022-10-27 (ÌÚ) 11:47:42)
- 104 (2022-11-05 (ÅÚ) 09:24:50)
- 105 (2022-11-10 (ÌÚ) 12:35:05)
- 106 (2022-12-05 (·î) 12:30:38)
- 107 (2022-12-23 (¶â) 14:02:53)
- 108 (2022-12-26 (·î) 17:39:12)
- 109 (2023-01-11 (¿å) 14:27:22)
- 110 (2023-01-26 (ÌÚ) 15:50:49)
- 111 (2023-01-31 (²Ð) 15:52:44)
- 112 (2023-02-03 (¶â) 17:28:40)
- 113 (2023-03-29 (¿å) 12:22:41)
- 114 (2023-04-04 (²Ð) 17:32:28)
- 115 (2023-04-07 (¶â) 11:04:43)
- 116 (2023-04-20 (ÌÚ) 11:18:26)
- 117 (2023-04-25 (²Ð) 15:13:19)
- 118 (2023-04-26 (¿å) 10:14:24)
- 119 (2023-04-27 (ÌÚ) 12:59:10)
- 120 (2023-05-06 (ÅÚ) 06:56:08)
ÏÇÀ±¥»¥ß¥Ê¡¼2022 †
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astro-ph¥»¥ß¥Ê¡¼¤ÏËè½µ·îÍËÆü¤Î12:00¤«¤é³«ºÅ¤·¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹¡£¡ÊÏ¢Íí·¸¡§Chanoul Seo¡¤Âí ůϯ¡¤¾¾ËÜ ÐһΡË
Schedule & History †
2021ǯÅÙ 2020ǯÅÙ 2019ǯÅÙ 2018ǯÅÙ 2017ǯÅÙ 2016ǯÅÙ 2015ǯÅÙ 2014ǯÅÙ
ÆüÄø | ȯɽ | ¥¿¥¤¥È¥ë | Remarks | ôÅö |
Á°´ü Âè1²ó 4/14 15:00- | All members | Self-introduction | °ËÆ£ | |
Á°´ü Âè2²ó 4/28 15:00- | Masahiro Ikoma (NAOJ) | Five key questions answered via the analysis of 25 hot Jupiter atmospheres in eclipse | ¹â¶¶ | |
Á°´ü Âè3²ó 5/10 15:00- | Sho Shibata (University of Zurich) | Exploring formation pathways of gas giant planets using planetesimal accretion | Tuesday | ¸Å²È |
Á°´ü Âè4²ó 5/19 15:00- | Kenji Furuya (NAOJ) | Different degree of nitrogen and carbon depletion in protoplanetary disks | ¸Å²È | |
Á°´ü ÂèX²ó 7/5 15:00- | Hidenori Genda (ELSI) | TBD | Tuesday | ¹â¶¶ |
- 5/10 Sho Shibata (University of Zurich), Exploring formation pathways of gas giant planets using planetesimal accretion
- The composition of gas giant planets is a useful tracer of planet formation. Recent observations of gas giant planets suggest that planetesimal accretion had occurred in their formation stage. In our previous studies, we found that large amount of planetesimals can be captured by a protoplanet when the protoplanet migrates into the region which we call as sweet spot for planetesimal accretion. In this talk, we will apply the theory of sweet spot to the formation of close-in gas giant planets and Jupiter and Saturn. We will discuss the formation history of those planets using the planetesimal accretion process.