Planet ¤Î¥Ð¥Ã¥¯¥¢¥Ã¥×(No.74)
- ¥Ð¥Ã¥¯¥¢¥Ã¥×°ìÍ÷
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- Planet ¤Ø¹Ô¤¯¡£
- 1 (2019-04-05 (¶â) 17:29:32)
- 2 (2019-04-08 (·î) 14:13:18)
- 3 (2019-04-11 (ÌÚ) 17:08:03)
- 4 (2019-04-15 (·î) 14:10:14)
- 5 (2019-04-16 (²Ð) 07:42:04)
- 6 (2019-04-18 (ÌÚ) 13:41:15)
- 7 (2019-04-22 (·î) 09:45:27)
- 8 (2019-04-22 (·î) 18:31:00)
- 9 (2019-04-23 (²Ð) 16:04:27)
- 10 (2019-04-24 (¿å) 15:59:22)
- 11 (2019-05-06 (·î) 15:55:55)
- 12 (2019-05-07 (²Ð) 17:29:15)
- 13 (2019-05-15 (¿å) 09:40:23)
- 14 (2019-05-28 (²Ð) 18:16:39)
- 15 (2019-05-29 (¿å) 07:40:33)
- 16 (2019-06-03 (·î) 15:39:11)
- 17 (2019-06-04 (²Ð) 18:44:30)
- 18 (2019-06-05 (¿å) 18:12:02)
- 19 (2019-06-09 (Æü) 01:12:05)
- 20 (2019-06-14 (¶â) 08:07:42)
- 21 (2019-06-19 (¿å) 16:28:35)
- 22 (2019-06-24 (·î) 17:29:45)
- 23 (2019-06-27 (ÌÚ) 14:11:16)
- 24 (2019-07-11 (ÌÚ) 20:15:27)
- 25 (2019-07-12 (¶â) 13:57:23)
- 26 (2019-10-02 (¿å) 18:10:34)
- 27 (2019-10-03 (ÌÚ) 15:36:12)
- 28 (2019-10-10 (ÌÚ) 11:24:09)
- 29 (2019-11-01 (¶â) 11:38:21)
- 30 (2019-11-04 (·î) 11:10:11)
- 31 (2019-12-18 (¿å) 13:38:58)
- 32 (2019-12-23 (·î) 17:49:40)
- 33 (2019-12-30 (·î) 15:31:57)
- 34 (2020-01-07 (²Ð) 16:10:11)
- 35 (2020-01-08 (¿å) 04:08:01)
- 36 (2020-01-08 (¿å) 11:53:12)
- 37 (2020-01-16 (ÌÚ) 15:18:17)
- 38 (2020-01-20 (·î) 12:49:01)
- 39 (2020-01-22 (¿å) 18:53:35)
- 40 (2020-01-27 (·î) 15:12:45)
- 41 (2020-03-03 (²Ð) 21:50:30)
- 42 (2020-04-02 (ÌÚ) 16:39:00)
- 43 (2020-04-08 (¿å) 18:38:23)
- 44 (2020-04-09 (ÌÚ) 11:24:13)
- 45 (2020-04-16 (ÌÚ) 16:10:46)
- 46 (2020-04-20 (·î) 11:53:51)
- 47 (2020-04-28 (²Ð) 20:28:33)
- 48 (2020-04-29 (¿å) 15:52:19)
- 49 (2020-05-07 (ÌÚ) 12:29:44)
- 50 (2020-05-08 (¶â) 14:15:50)
- 51 (2020-05-08 (¶â) 22:43:49)
- 52 (2020-05-14 (ÌÚ) 22:30:07)
- 53 (2020-06-26 (¶â) 17:31:55)
- 54 (2020-07-03 (¶â) 15:00:34)
- 55 (2020-07-19 (Æü) 12:04:08)
- 56 (2020-10-05 (·î) 18:52:22)
- 57 (2020-10-05 (·î) 22:30:37)
- 58 (2020-10-08 (ÌÚ) 16:31:06)
- 59 (2020-10-15 (ÌÚ) 10:15:06)
- 60 (2020-11-06 (¶â) 10:10:50)
- 61 (2020-11-20 (¶â) 22:58:33)
- 62 (2020-11-30 (·î) 17:26:33)
- 63 (2020-12-16 (¿å) 21:44:01)
- 64 (2020-12-21 (·î) 23:22:46)
- 65 (2021-01-08 (¶â) 13:15:27)
- 66 (2021-01-21 (ÌÚ) 20:25:06)
- 67 (2021-01-29 (¶â) 13:27:49)
- 68 (2021-02-21 (Æü) 12:23:25)
- 69 (2021-02-22 (·î) 13:24:52)
- 70 (2021-04-09 (¶â) 17:04:50)
- 71 (2021-04-16 (¶â) 11:29:47)
- 72 (2021-05-07 (¶â) 18:22:33)
- 73 (2021-05-15 (ÅÚ) 00:33:47)
- 74 (2021-05-17 (·î) 16:18:23)
- 75 (2021-05-30 (Æü) 22:12:00)
- 76 (2021-06-13 (Æü) 13:47:04)
- 77 (2021-07-07 (¿å) 18:36:13)
- 78 (2021-07-09 (¶â) 11:38:22)
- 79 (2021-09-21 (²Ð) 15:41:48)
- 80 (2021-10-01 (¶â) 14:57:41)
- 81 (2021-10-14 (ÌÚ) 14:49:25)
- 82 (2021-11-04 (ÌÚ) 10:12:42)
- 83 (2021-11-08 (·î) 17:56:27)
- 84 (2021-12-13 (·î) 15:01:49)
- 85 (2022-01-12 (¿å) 20:36:26)
- 86 (2022-01-13 (ÌÚ) 17:00:39)
- 87 (2022-01-27 (ÌÚ) 01:36:38)
- 88 (2022-02-10 (ÌÚ) 13:05:29)
- 89 (2022-04-29 (¶â) 00:26:41)
- 90 (2022-05-26 (ÌÚ) 16:01:50)
- 91 (2022-06-03 (¶â) 14:22:40)
- 92 (2022-06-06 (·î) 15:20:03)
- 93 (2022-06-15 (¿å) 18:34:48)
- 94 (2022-06-16 (ÌÚ) 00:44:05)
- 95 (2022-06-20 (·î) 16:51:40)
- 96 (2022-06-23 (ÌÚ) 16:10:59)
- 97 (2022-07-05 (²Ð) 11:47:42)
- 98 (2022-07-13 (¿å) 12:47:31)
- 99 (2022-09-12 (·î) 21:36:53)
- 100 (2022-10-06 (ÌÚ) 16:20:43)
- 101 (2022-10-20 (ÌÚ) 12:22:49)
- 102 (2022-10-25 (²Ð) 14:56:31)
- 103 (2022-10-27 (ÌÚ) 11:47:42)
- 104 (2022-11-05 (ÅÚ) 09:24:50)
- 105 (2022-11-10 (ÌÚ) 12:35:05)
- 106 (2022-12-05 (·î) 12:30:38)
- 107 (2022-12-23 (¶â) 14:02:53)
- 108 (2022-12-26 (·î) 17:39:12)
- 109 (2023-01-11 (¿å) 14:27:22)
- 110 (2023-01-26 (ÌÚ) 15:50:49)
- 111 (2023-01-31 (²Ð) 15:52:44)
- 112 (2023-02-03 (¶â) 17:28:40)
- 113 (2023-03-29 (¿å) 12:22:41)
- 114 (2023-04-04 (²Ð) 17:32:28)
- 115 (2023-04-07 (¶â) 11:04:43)
- 116 (2023-04-20 (ÌÚ) 11:18:26)
- 117 (2023-04-25 (²Ð) 15:13:19)
- 118 (2023-04-26 (¿å) 10:14:24)
- 119 (2023-04-27 (ÌÚ) 12:59:10)
- 120 (2023-05-06 (ÅÚ) 06:56:08)
ÏÇÀ±¥»¥ß¥Ê¡¼2021 †
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astro-ph¥»¥ß¥Ê¡¼¤ÏËè½µ·îÍËÆü¤Î12:00¤«¤é³«ºÅ¤·¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹¡£¡ÊÏ¢Íí·¸¡§Carol Kwok¡¤Âí ůϯ¡Ë
Schedule & History †
2020ǯÅÙ 2019ǯÅÙ 2018ǯÅÙ 2017ǯÅÙ 2016ǯÅÙ 2015ǯÅÙ 2014ǯÅÙ
ÆüÄø | ȯɽ | ¥¿¥¤¥È¥ë | Remarks | ôÅö |
Á°´ü Âè1²ó 4/15 15:00- | All members | Self-introduction | ¸Å²È | |
Á°´ü Âè2²ó 4/22 15:00- | All members | Self-introduction | ¸Å²È | |
Á°´ü Âè3²ó 5/13 14:00- | Teruyuki Hirano (ABC) | Near Infrared Spectroscopy as a Powerful Tool to Probe Exoplanetary Systems | 14:00 | ¸Å²È |
Á°´ü Âè4²ó 5/20 15:00- | Ryuki Hyodo (ISAS/JAXA) | Planetesimal formation -- Around the snow line and the "no-drift" mechanism | ¹ÓÀî | |
Á°´ü ÂèXX²ó 6/24 15:00- | Hiroaki Kaneko (titech) | À±Ìî |
- 5/20 Ryuki Hyodo (ISAS/JAXA), Planetesimal formation -- Around the snow line and the "no-drift" mechanism
- Forming planetesimals in protoplanetary disks is a major challenge in our current understanding of planet formation. Icy pebbles mixed with silicate dust formed at the outer disk drift inward due to the gas drag. We performed 1D diffusion-advection simulations that include the back-reaction (the inertia) to radial drift and diffusion of icy pebbles and silicate dust, ice sublimation, the release of silicate dust, and their recycling through the recondensation and sticking onto pebbles outside the snow line. In this talk, I will present how icy pebbles and silicate dust pile up around the snow line. I also report a new mechanism, the ¡Èno-drift¡É runaway pile-up, that leads to a runaway accumulation of pebbles in disks, thus favoring the formation of planetesimals by streaming and/or gravitational instabilities. References: Hyodo et al. 2021 A&A, 646, A14; Ida et al. 2021 A&A, 646, A13; Hyodo et al. 2021 A&A, 645, L9