#### README Time-stamp: <2005-09-14 15:25:29 hamana> *** Weak lensing simulation # # a brief description of the simulation # 36 realizations, run00-run35 z_s=9.77244E-01, 1.96478E+00 & 2.96849E+00 Dark matter distribution from the VLS simulation 1024x1024 rays on 0.25arcmin grids the area, where rays cover, is about 4.27x4.27=18.2sq deg # # data # run??.log --- log file --- text file run??.zs?.dat --- kappa, shear (2component), omega --- little_endian binary data --- readdat.f run??.zs?.kap.fits --- fits format image of the kappa map run??.zs?.pos --- ray positions on the source plane [in degree] --- little_endian binary data --- readpos.f nolensed.pos --- unperturbed ray positions on the source plane (ray positions on the image plaen) [in degree] --- little_endian binary data --- readpos.f Takashi Hamana hamanatk [at] cc.nao.ac.jp [2005/9/8]