RAYTRIX is freely available software for the numerical simulation of
gravitational lensing ray-tracing.
RAYTRIX uses the multiple lens-plane algorithm which is described in
(but some modifications have been made)
Mellier, 2001, MNRAS, 327, 169, and
Hamana, et al., 2009, ApJ, 701, 945. Also
see Schaefer et
al., 2012, MNRAS, 420, 455 for the multiple lens-plane formalism for
the lensing flexion, which is implemented in RAYTRIX.
RAYTRIX can compute:
Lensing deflection of light rays
Lensing magnification matrix (convergence, shear and net rotation)
with fully including the lens-lens coupling and effect of deflection
of light ray path.
Lensing flexion matrix (all the 8 components) with fully including the lens-lens coupling and effect of deflection
of light ray path.
RAYTRIX is NOT stand-alone software, but needs outputs from N-body
simulations as an input.
Design of ray-tracing depends on the design of N-body data, thus RAYTRIX
is NOT always workable.
However you may modify RAYTRIX so that it works with your N-body output design.
There is no user-friendly guide of RAYTRIX, there is a few comments in
source programs, there is no make-file, but sample data for test run are
If you wants to play with RAYTRIX, download the tar-file from the above link.
A quick instruction is given in README, though it is not user-friendly.
If you have questions,
feel free to contact me, hamana.tk at mark nao.ac.jp,
I will be happy to help you.
Your contribution for improvement of RAYTRIX is very welcome.
Enjoy !
Takashi Hamana
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