some fortran programs:

ACF_HaloModel_v2.tar.gz [the angular correlation functions of the dark matter and halo model galaxies]
gamsky2kap_gauss_quick_hwl16a_yu.f [Computing the convergence map on regular grids from shear data defined in the celestial (RA-Dec) frame (with weight) via Kaiser & Squires 1993 inversion formula with Gaussian smoothing kernel]
gam2kap_gauss_v1.1.f [Computing the convergence map on regular grids from shear data (with weight) via Kaiser & Squires 1993 inversion formula with Gaussian smoothing kernel]
cosmodist.f [the cosmological distances]
massfunc.f [the halo mass functions]
pskap.f [the weak lensing convergence/shear power spectrum using the nonlinear fitting function by Smith et al (2003)]
pskap_pd.f [the weak lensing convergence/shear power spectrum using the nonlinear fitting function by Peacock & Dodds (1996)]
varkap.f [the weak lensing convergence/shear variance in a top-hat aperture using the nonlinear fitting function by Smith et al (2003)]
varkap_pd.f [the weak lensing convergence/shear variance in a top-hat aperture using the nonlinear fitting function by Peacock & Dodds (1996)]
tpcfkap.f [the weak lensing convergence/shear two-point correlation function using the nonlinear fitting function by Smith et al (2003)]
tpcfkap_pd.f [the weak lensing convergence/shear two-point correlation function using the nonlinear fitting function by Peacock & Dodds (1996)]
mapvar.f [the weak lensing aperture mass variance using the nonlinear fitting function by Smith et al (2003)]
mapvar_pd.f [the weak lensing aperture mass variance using the nonlinear fitting function by Peacock & Dodds (1996)]
pk_halomodel.f [the dark matter power spectrum from the halo model]
xi_halomodel.f [the dark matter two-point correlation function from the halo model]
HaloModelBias.tar.gz [the halo model prediction for the large-scale bias]
EPS.tar.gz [the conditional mass function (for descendents) computed by the EPS model]
WLHaloCounts.tar.gz [Weak lensing halo counts described in Hamana, Takada, Yoshida, 2004, MNRAS, 350, 893]]

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Takashi Hamana