# xi_+^pp,pq,qq from HSC Y1 data (Hamana et al. 2020, and see Erratum) # col-1: the effective angular scale [arcmin] ($\hat{\theta}=1.007\times\theta_c$, see Section 5.1.2 of Hamana et al. 2020) # col-2: xi_+^pp # see sec3.2 # col-3: xi_+^pq # and eq(6), eq(7), # col-4: xi_+^qq # and Fig20 of H2020 7.99888277 7.77185545E-04 4.54171050E-06 1.46402073E-07 10.0699997 7.57061527E-04 4.61152877E-06 4.14699855E-07 12.6773739 7.34096742E-04 3.92096490E-06 3.00938183E-07 15.9598722 6.98526041E-04 3.53113273E-06 2.97208601E-07 20.0922871 6.58566831E-04 3.06900233E-06 2.12879968E-07 25.2946911 6.07715105E-04 2.46965101E-06 2.19894972E-07 31.8441391 5.49474673E-04 1.53242297E-06 1.91076992E-07 40.0893936 4.87232057E-04 5.31201806E-07 2.03107348E-07 50.4695511 4.19865624E-04 -2.91029778E-07 1.24965354E-07